Friday, January 27, 2012

Lauren's Story

My name is Lauren and my story began when I was a Junior in High school.  I met a guy named Todd and he was only a sophomore in high school although, we were both 17 years old.  Everyone around me kept telling me he was not a good guy and I should stay away from him.  Being stubborn, I did not care what people thought and I still wanted to hang out with him.  From the first day we met, we got along very well and we just clicked.  Well we started talking more and eventually he asked me out.  Things got serious pretty quickly.  We started dating in September of 09 and in November we found out we were pregnant.  From here, things started getting very rocky!  He started showing his real colors and we started fighting ALL the time.  It was January 2010 and it was finally my senior year.  I graduated early and gave up everything else in my senior year so I could get things in order for my baby.  Now, it was time to find out the sex of my child.  We went into the doctor and started getting the ultra-sound.  OMG IT'S A GIRL!!!  I actually started crying.
  In May, I started college so I could get myself in a routine before my little girl came into the world.  June 2010, I walked down the aisle with my class and received my high school diploma at 7 months pregnant.  This was truly the best feeling in the world.  :)  Well it was my due date it that came and went.  Here it is about 6 days after my due date and my doctor finally told me that I could get induced.  Talking about that was really making me nervous.    The night of August 30, 2010 we walked into the hospital around 11:30 p.m.  About 7a.m. on August 31 the doctors came in to check how I was doing and there was nothing but contractions happening.  Well it was getting later and I was finally dilated enough to get an epidural.  Probably about 5 hours after I got the epidural, it completely wore off.  I called a nurse in and they gave me another dose but this time it wasn't strong enough so they gave me a third dose but twice the strength.  So here I am now laying on the bed with pretty much 3 doses of epidurals running through my body, and the time was getting later.  The last hour was by far the hardest.  They weren't kidding when they call it hard labor!!!  I started getting really sick but it was all worth it to start pushing.  Not even 20 minutes later and my baby was in the world.  This is where my world turned upside down.  My mom and Todd were in the room with me the entire time but they were bickering throughout the day.  Once my daughter was put on my chest I was in love. <3  After she was taken off of my chest, she was taken over to the cart to be weighed and checked.  At this point, Todd disappeared and the doctor wasn't done with me.  They still had to get the placenta out.  Well this was the hardest part for me.  It took them a half hour to get it out and Todd was no where by my side; it was my mom holding my hand.  My mom knew I was in pain, but Todd was over standing by our baby.  Well that was finally over and done with and my baby was finally in my arms without blood all over her.  They told me she weighed 7lbs 4 oz and was 21 ins long.  She was a perfect, healthy, little girl.  Holding her without all the excitement of giving birth was amazing and she stole my heart instantly. 
 Now it was time to go home and my mom was more then proud to be the one driving her daughter and grand daughter home.  She now only weighed 6lbs 11 oz, but the doctors informed me that it was normal for children to lose weight when they were discharged.  Well my world continued to flip upside down, inside out and everything was wrong.  Todd and I were fighting all the time and he now started putting his hands on me.  I was being hit and screamed at and thrown on the ground.  Not the way a girl should have to live her life after she has a baby.  Well I ended it as fast as that was going on and I kicked him out of our house.  Here it is 1 year later and my daughter is as healthy as ever.  Her father got put in jail when she was 6 or 7 months old and my child support was suspended.  I now raise my daughter with the help of my boyfriend who I have been seeing for 6 months and family and it's as strong as ever.  I seriously cannot thank my family enough for everything they have done for my daughter and I because to this day they still continue to help me.  My daughter is by far the biggest grandma's girl you could ever meet.  I seriously wouldn't want it any other way because my mom absolutely loves it.  I honestly don't let my family know how much it means that they help me but I like to feel more independent and like to think I am doing more than I actually am.  It's okay though because they all know I appreciate it.  I am in school and making something of my life because my daughter needs me more than anyone else and I know she's my responsibility.  She is now 17  months old, getting bigger each day and learning so much.  She truly keeps me going every day and keeps me on my toes.  If it weren't for her, my post pardum depression would get to me worse than it is.  Post Pardum is a very serious thing and I suffer from it badly some days.  My family, boyfriend and daughter truly make it easier to get through the day.  Reach out and be heard if your suffering, it not only hurts you but everyone around you. 

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